Sunday, September 12, 2010

Studio Lighting Class

I know I've been behind with my blog....again. I promise to stay more on top of this thing. So the new semester started at school and I was finally able to get the studio lighting class that I've been trying to get into for over a year and I love it. My teacher and classmates are really great and I'm learning so much.

For our first assignment we had to shoot an object that was not shiny. So I chose my teddy bear, since I had done my final art project based on this bear for art class, I figured why not let it keep inspiring my work. Oh yeah, everything has to be in black and white right now too. Here are some of my favorite images for this assignment.

We are experimenting with Hard and Soft Light. This first image was shot on a black backdrop using hard light. I think the bear looks very sad in this image so I call this one "Sad Teddy".

In this shot I used soft light on a white background and gave the teddy his baby blanket for being a good boy. Titled "Good Teddy".

 I wanted to take more of a chance with this image that I call "Naughty Teddy". I used a hard light on a white background. I hung my teddy with a guitar strap and had to tie his leg with wire and attach it to a weight to keep the bear still while I shot. I later removed the wire and weight in post.

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