Saturday, November 21, 2009

Alternative Lighting Assignment

I know I've been a bit behind with my blog. I had some drama with a server crash that got me behind and then I got pretty sick over the last couple of weeks. During this time I still had to keep up with my photography assignments. This time my assignment was alternative lighting based.

I was not able to use any daylight for these photos. So I took photos of my family with one continuous light and a black backdrop in my garage. Here are the photos I turned in for my assignment.

I know that my class for my critique will probably hate these photos for being "cliche" but I like them and think they are funny. Plus how can I not like photos of my family? I had never shot photos in such low light this way so it's all a learning process for me but I'm happy with the outcome.

I also made sure that we took a family holiday photo that we can send out with Christmas cards. Here is that photo. We all gathered around my grandmother in the photo. I think I should have put my oldest son on a stool or something because he is just so tall that he practically gets cut out of the top of the photo.

My younger son and I were so sick during this shoot and had a really tough time getting through it but we did. My older son is a real ham though and wanted to make sure I took lots of other photos of him where I was able to experiment with my shutter speed and lighting. He also did some light painting but the photos didn't turn out very good.

I'm looking for a female model for my next project. Email me or comment on my blog if you are interested.