Sunday, December 19, 2010

Perfect Day for Making Christmas Cookies!

It's been raining pretty steady for the last few days but today takes the cake. The rain brought it's close friend fog along for the ride and the streams of water pouring down my window makes me want to take a nap with my dog. But I know I don't have time for a nap today since it's cookie making day!

Every year I make cookies for my friends and family for Christmas. Some of whom are already getting restless and asking for an ETA on their cookies. It makes me feel good that so many people enjoy my cookies. Early on in my cookie making days, there were some unsuccessful cookie creations that have since been scraped from my cook book. My sons call them my "experiments". 

To make my life a little easier this year, I have narrowed my list of cookies to 4 maybe 5 if I'm feeling frisky. I'm making Hungarian Kifli's, Snow Balls, Peanut Butter Kisses, and Chocolate Dipped Sugar Crescents. I might make Hungarian Butter-horns on Christmas Eve just for my family. They are more like a breakfast pastry than a cookie anyway.

I'll update this blog post later with photos of the cookies as I complete them. 

Update: My large oven died today so I've been making small batches of cookies in my convection toaster oven. Here is a photo of the snow balls.
Here is a quick cam phone photo of the peanut butter kisses that I'm making. Only have 24 cookies done so far. Gonna be a long night.
I finally got a majority of the kifli cookies done. Still have to motivate myself to continue. Making small batches in my toaster oven is taking its toll on me.

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